


Hi Iqaluit! Veggie growing season is here and things are happening at the community greenhouse!Β  Due to COVID gathering restrictions, we have had to re-think our approach for volunteers.Β  At this time we are not holding public open houses and/or work bees.Β  Seedlings have been started and the food that is produced will be used at the Food Centre.

The bright spring weather has been great, and the greenhouse is getting hot!Β  That being said, we are looking for a few individuals who are interested in helping out, mostly with temperature control and watering.Β  If you are interested please contact us! Either via our facebook page or at our email iqaluitgreenhouse@yahoo.ca, with your availability and the amount of time you want to commit.

The community greenhouse has gloves for volunteers, and will coordinate when people are in the greenhouse to respect COVID restrictions.


Please join the Iqaluit Community Greenhouse Society at our Annual General Meeting Saturday May 26 at 11am inside the Greenhouse. We’ll go over our activities from the past year, discuss ideas for this year, and elect the new board of directors. If you have an interest in learning more about the Society’s activities, want to check out the Greenhouse, and/or want to join the board (there are openings!), please come on out!!



A special thank you goes out to all of you who have been coming out and supporting the Greenhouse through trivia. We made over $1500 in our fall season!! These funds will go to help buy seeds, more grow towers, and other equipment for next summer!

The winter season of trivia is in full swing now. Check out our Facebook Β  https://m.facebook.com/IqaluitGreenhouse/ page for more info!






The Iqaluit Community Greenhouse Society has recently become a recipient of Canada 150 funds through a partnership with Tree Canada and the Canadian National Railway. This funding program has been planting trees across the country in celebration of Canada’s 150th birthday. Well, it’s easy right away to note that Nunavut does not have trees, nor do we have a railway, but we do have a community who are making efforts to grow local produce and promote healthy living!


We were lucky enough to have Geraldine Hyland with Tree Canada come to Iqaluit to learn more about the Greenhouse and our partnerships with the schools to grow produce 12 months of the year. A presentation was made at the High School’s assembly to highlight that these funds will be going towards buying more hydroponic towers to be shared between the schools and the Greenhouse. (This is the first year that the towers were used in the greenhouse in the summer and the schools during the school year). There will be a plaque displayed at the Greenhouse to honour this partnership.


We thank Geraldine and Tree Canada and CN for their contribution and look forward to getting these towers set up and growing!


For more information about this or any other activities, or to volunteer, or to make a financial donation, please contact us through email, instagram, or facebook!


This post is definitely a LOT late, but better than never! We would like to thank from the bottom of our hearts our amazing volunteers who watered throughout the summer and kept the greenhouse looking lush and green. Thanks goes out to:

Cindy Rennie

Amy Clark

Rhose, Brian, and Gabriel Galia

Jean and Rayelle Simpson

Nicole and Roland Giles

Check out some action shots of our watering crew. Our only regret: that we didn’t get a team group shot at the end of the season! Next year for sure!



We know we keep inviting you to our last work party, but this really is our last! Come out Thursday October 5 at 5:30 to help us get the greenhouse ready for the fall craft sale (happening Saturday 12-4!). We will be setting up a demo hydroponic tower, so if you haven’t had a chance to see these babies in action, come check it out!!

